My Hollywood System

Chapter 139:

Chapter 139:

“That was a good shot today, Robert. I think we will be done with the shooting by next week.” Will said as he sat down in front of the Star, who was dressed in his Don Vulpe attire.

“Yeah, I had fun shooting this film, I am looking forward to seeing the final product after the wizardry of modern technology is done with this,” Robert said, sipping his coffee and shaking his head. “Well, either way, I am sure this will be a fun movie in the end.”

Will laughed and said, “Wizardry is an apt word for what they do, isn’t it? Anyway, I wanted to go over the last scene with you again. Are you sure that you are okay with being stuffed in the back of a sports car? We have fitted its trunk with a roll cage and padding, and it won’t fall any more than half a story. The wizards at the CGI department will make it look like a higher jump later. But it’s still a risk.”

Robert nodded immediately. “Yes, I have checked the padding and the roll cage in the trunk, and I am sure I will be able to handle it. Being locked up inside will help me generate a sort of real scream, in the end, so yes, I am sure I don’t mind.”

Will nodded reluctantly, looking at Robert with a lot more respect. “Well then, I suppose if you’re sure–”

“I am”

“-then, your final scene will be done by tomorrow, and then I suppose I will see you next at The Cannes Festival.” Will continued, smiling a little at Robert’s reassurance.

Robert hesitated a little and then said, “Oh, uhm, about that, I will miss this year’s festival. Not really been one to enjoy parties anymore, especially after, you know.”

Will nodded, and Robert continued, “plus, I met this beautiful brunette that I told you about, Susan Levin, she finally agreed to go out with me, and we’ve been dating for some time. Just keep that on the down-low, yeah? I am planning to go on a vacation with her after this movie’s filming.”

Will nodded as he tried to remember their conversation about Susan. “Ah, yes, I remember you told me about her. You met her during the endorsement advertisements DTA sent you on, yeah? The small-time producer? Well, enjoy your vacation, Robert. If there is anyone in this agency that deserves a vacation, it’s you. You have managed to turn your life around completely and have given it your all.” Will said honestly.

Robert smiled at Will and said, “Will, you enabled me and helped turn my life around. I don’t know where I would be if you hadn’t made that offer for Sherlock to me. I was probably dizzy enough not to know my left hand from the right or behind bars again.”

Will shook his head furiously and emphasized, “No, don’t do that, Robert. Everything you’ve achieved till now is your own merit. You deserve it. I am sure that if I hadn’t met you that day, some other director or talent searcher would have eventually found you. You would have landed well on your own two feet. You’re a talented artist, don’t belittle your accomplishments and put me on a pedestal.”

Robert looked at Will for a minute and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. All that self-pity thing is not my deal anyway. But thank you, Will.”

They continued chatting with each other for a while, while both June, who had arrived to film her short scene, and Natalie, who played Leo’s girlfriend in the film, were getting ready for their roles and rehearsing the script with each other.

They were interrupted when Ethan Silva, who had arrived on set a few minutes ago, attempted chatting Natalie up. He had a very wide grin on his face, and Will could see that he was putting on all the charm at the moment.

“There is a reason why he has been divorced twice. And by the looks of it, he’s well on his way to a third one.” Robert joked from his seat, noticing Will’s gaze on the pair.

“You don’t say,” Will deadpanned. Ethan had been flirting with Natalie for a long time throughout the filming. It had become a little uncomfortable on set, and Will had to play interference between the two actors.

Natalie still did not feel secure enough in her career, having only done one feature film and a few advertisements that resulted from said film. She wanted to stave off any emotional attachments until she was secure enough in her chosen career.

The attempted flirting from Ethan Silva had caused a little uncomfortable tension to develop between both the actors and Leo had to navigate the awkwardness at moments, as Natalie was his in-film girlfriend of Leo. Will had supported him nonetheless, and he had managed to establish himself as a talented actor on the set, and was able to interact and socialize very affably with his colleagues.

“It’s a good thing the kid, Leo, had your support during this shooting. He’s slowly coming out on his own, and eventually, he won’t need that extra support to stand out on the set as he does right now. Speaking of, let me say, Wow! That kid has talent. I’d wager he will be better than me!” Robert complimented Leo, which made Will smile.

“I think he will go far in this industry given the right support, just like you, Robert,” Will affirmed. “Anyway, I think we should get back on with the shooting.”

“Yeah, alright. Let’s go.” Robert nodded, finishing coffee.


“Action!’ Will shouted.

“I know, I-I know the location. I know what’s required. I do. I can do it.” A man wearing a beanie said to his friend while fiddling with a packet containing green leafy powder.

“How many times… do you want me …. To repeat myself? Huh, Marco?” His friend questioned.

“I am just saying what I am thinking, that’s all, Frank,” Marco said quickly.

Frank sighed and turned his head to stare appreciatively at the woman who entered the warehouse the gang was working in.

“Look at that hot piece of ass,” Frank said, nudging Marco on the shoulder.

“Get your head back in the game. Don’t you know who she is? That’s Emmaline, that is. She’s the chic that struts around with the new boss.” Marco said after taking a glance at the woman.

Just behind the woman, a man dressed in a long black coat, black pants and white gloves, with a golden pocket watch, walked in.

“That’s the boss. Everyone thought he was a kid, and he wouldn’t go far. From what I know, he blew up Don Vulpe in his own damn car by rolling him off a cliff.” Marco continued, building a big image of Mario in his head.

Mario and his girlfriend, Emmaline, walked over to the table the two men were sitting at, and Mario said, “Well, now that you boys have established who I am, you probably also know, Frankie, that you’re already dead!”

Marco and Frank tensed as Mario placed a single bullet on the table. They looked at each other, and then at the bullet, and finally at Mario with a little fear and confusion.

“However”, Mario continued as if nothing was wrong and pulled out a revolver whose chamber popped open and had no bullets inside.

“What’s he doing with that gun?” Marco asked, edging away from his seat.

“Ah! We are playing a game with gravity!” Mario replied, smiling.

Frank shook his head and muttered, “Fucking gravity.” His eyes strained to the woman who was standing beside Mario, staring intently at the Tommy Gun in her hand.

Mario smiled, noticing his gaze and then looked at Marco. “When I place this bullet into this chamber,” He explained like a professor, “and rotate it, Gravity pulls the bullet down here.” He said, pointing to where the chamber met the barrel. Then he tilted the gun vertically. “But when I rotate it this way, it gives us all equal odds. Doesn’t it?”

Mario then looked at Emmaline and winked, “Here, sweetheart, spin the barrel.”

The woman smirked and took the gun from him as she whispered seductively in his ear, “With pleasure!” adding a soft purr at the end.

She spun the barrel and handed the gun to Mario, who immediately pointed to his own temple and emptied two chambers In his head while he laughed as he placed the revolver on the table.

The other two men were frightened out of their minds as Mario continued, “Heh! I lowered the odds for both of you, fellas.”

Frank finally asked, “W-why are you doing this?”

Mario laughed. “You stole! This,” he said, pointing at the gun, “Is making it right!”

“W-we didn’t steal anything.”

Mario just laughed. “Oh, of course! It was the invisible man!”

“Y-yeah, that’s right!”

“Or was it your boyfriend? You could have invisible friends too?” Mario asked rhetorically.

Emmaline snorted at that. “Oh, yeah. All his friends are imaginary.”

Mario laughed and continued, “Way I see it, I have given you boys a three to one chance to walk outta here, so who’s first?”

When no one made a move, Mario said, “Let’s empty our pockets.”

Marco asked, “huh, pockets? Why?”

“Oh, to incentivize the game, of course!” Mario said, emptying his pockets. Slowly the other two emptied their pockets as well after Emmaline cocked the Tommy gun at them.

“Now, you. Wimpy boy.” Mario said, handing the revolver to Marco. “It’s your turn. It’s alright. That’s it”

Marco took the gun in his shaky hand and then looked at the Tommy Gun that was pointed at him. He slowly, shakily brought the gun to his temple and spilt a tear before pressing the trigger.

Click. The sound indicated another empty chamber, and Marco breathed a sigh of relief. And he gasped to catch his breath.

Mario smiled as he finally handed the gun to Frank. Who stared at it hard.

“Now, the odds are two for me, one for the wimpy one, and zero for you. Smart says sooner is better than later.” Mario said.

“Come on, kid, pull the trigger. You’ve still got another chance!” Emmaline commented.

Frank looked at her angrily and shouted, “SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP!!”

Mario chuckled and oohed at his bravado, but the Tommy Gun in Emmaline’s hands reassured him about him.

Frank breathed deeply to calm his nerves and mumbled, “what do you want?”

Mario sighed and said, “Now would be a good time to give me the key.”

Frank looked up sharply at Mario and asked hesitantly, “How do you know about the Key?”

“How do I know about the key to the shed with 5 Million dollars worth of coke? Did you think we’re stupid?” Mario asked, finally getting serious. “Press the trigger, or give me the key.”

Looking again at the Tommy Gun in Emmaline’s hand, Frank pointed the gun at his temple and held it there for a long minute, his hands shaking.

Mario stared straight into his eyes, and Frank cried. He quickly got up as Emmaline went to pull the trigger of her Tommy Gun, but she noticed Frank instead pointed the gun at his friend and pulled the trigger.

Click. The sound of an empty chamber indicated that the bullet didn’t go off.

Marco immediately pushed the gun away from his face and knifed his friend repeatedly in the gut as Mario watched on smiling.

“YOU FUCKER!” Marco kept repeating. “YOU BACKSTABBING COCKSUCKER!” as he stabbed his friend.

Finally, Marco returned to his seat exhausted and looked at Mario.

“Now be a dear, Marco. Take the key from his neck, hand it over to me, and then fuck off.”

Marco procured the key from the corpse and gave it to Mario, and hastily left the warehouse.

“Are you sure it was a good idea to let him go?” Emmaline asked.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. His hands were full of blood, and his weed was poisoned. He’ll die by tomorrow or get caught by the police, and they will blame all this on OD.” He reassured her. “What we should be worrying about is the invisible man.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” She asked.

“There’s another chamber left, and we have one more player.” He said, looking at the camera in the studio.

He picked up the gun, smiled directly at the camera, pointed it at the camera and shot the gun.

“And Cut! Perfectly done! We’re finished with the filming! Wrap it up, people! Party tomorrow at The Plaza!” Will shouted as everyone in the set whooped in joy.


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