The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 217 - Sparring (9/20)

2 hours later

"You really scared me there! I almost thought you were about to die on me" Olivia pouted

"For the 19th time, I had everything under control. You looked so cute sleeping I just kinda didn\'t wanna wake you up" I shrugged

"Can you please speak proper tongue for once? Every time you speak Zogarian you keep adding these words like \'Wanna\' or \'Kinda\'. It\'s like you are speaking another language and trying to translate it to the best of your ability" Olivia sighed

"Hey! Don\'t make fun of my Zogarian! I\'d like to say that my Zogarian tongue is splendid, and while I can choose to speak eloquently like all you basic bitches, I choose to speak the way I speak because I ain\'t no basic bitch? You get me homie?" I chuckled

"Oh no... I\'ve made it worse!" She cried and covered her face with her hand in embarrassment as countless people looked at me strangely for the way I talked. Everyone looked away quickly when they saw my iconic mask that was put up in almost every bar with a \'WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE\' title above it in really shitty font. 

\'The saddest thing about this is that it isn\'t even a font, someone actually writes like that\' I gave a silent prayer to the person who wrote in that font.

[Really? An hour ago you were saying that the saddest thing about killing a wyvern is that your bounty goes up and no one lets you into bars anymore because they think you will be forced into a life and death brawl at every corner]

\'I did say that, but I think the font thing is a lot sadder now\' I made another silent prayer

[Have you realized yet?]

Raising a brow behind my mask, I retorted-

\'Maybe I would realize a lot more things if you stopped speaking in cryptic messages\' 

[Let us be honest, if you were to be given a cryptic message you would activate mind-influx before solving it in what seemed like 10 seconds to other people. Anyway, what I was asking was if you realized how much your personality has changed]

\'heh?\' I was confused

[You do realize that you have become criminally indifferent about things you should actually care about, right? Like 30 minutes ago when someone tried to attack you and you were more worried about your clothes getting dirty rather than your own protection as well as Olivia\'s. YOUR CLOTHES HAVE AN AUTO-CLEAN FUNCTION!]

\'Oh my god, they do! Wow, I feel like I am becoming a woman! I care more about my clothes than the lives of people close to me!\' For some reason, I was smiling

[Women care about people they are close to, too...]

\'Oh... Oh well\' I shrugged

"What are you shrugging at?" Olivia asked in annoyance behind her own mask. Her mask did not stop me from seeing her skeptical and suspicious expression laced with a bit of anger as she pouted cutely.

"I was having a conversation with myself" I replied nonchalantly.

"Wha-?" Olivia was speechless.

"Hey! Don\'t you judge me and the ten voices in my head that I am forced to hear every time I make a decision, look anywhere or even try to sleep!" I pointed at Olivia accusingly

"We really need to get you a therapis-" Before Olivia could finish her sentence, she was cut off by an overly loud-

"HEY ROSE!" without bringing any kind of sphere out

"Oh hey! I wanted to tell you to come down to the assessment hall. I booked us, including Yuri who has recovered at a fine pace, a sparring hall that can handle any power under Diamond tier 5 and above. It means that everyone should be able to use their full power unless your spell is going to destroy everything within a 1.5-kilometer radius around the epicenter of the blast."

I could almost taste the ridicule in her voice as she accused me of something that I, as someone who had not even reached the second Gold-tier could ever do!

"Also, we are going to have a private ID reboot thing so, please come ready with your Guild ID\'s"


"I\'ll be right there!" I smiled behind my mask before swooping Olivia off her feet and carrying her in a princess carry.

"He-eyyyyy! PA WHAT ARE YOU DOI- AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Activating lighting boots, lighting body which is just shooting lighting throughout my body to amplify and make me move faster with a lot more strength, just like that celestial that I for some reason know he was a celestial, or is a celestial ... I am not sure of what I am seeing in those dreams and if I should use the past or present tense to describe them, but if I were to guess with all the novels I had read in my past, I would say it was someone\'s memories because there is no fucking way they are mine, is what I thought at the time anyway.

Anyway, I quickly crouched a little, bent both my knees, and launched into the sky. Just to make sure that she was okay with the ride, I added a little bit of my magical aura that I happened to unlock and be able to use ever since I had fought the wyvern. 

It took us barely a minute to get to the assessment hall, center, whatever you want to call it. This was partly due to there being no traffic in the air and since the time I had found out that no one was actually enforcing the \'No flying\' policy, I chose that it would be much easier if I just flew everywhere.

"You guys are here?" Asked Rose with a wry smile that Yuri, that was at her side began to look at like it was the world\'s rarest animal 

"Yep!" I let go of Olivia who immediately hit the floor due to her not being ready to be let of so suddenly.

"OUCH!" She shouted in pain

"Ouch, my ass. You cultivate soul energy. You can fall off buildings and land on your head yet no receive a single scratch" I scoffed

"Uhm, actually depending on the building height, she would receive anything from a bump on the head to turning into a splatter on a sidewalk" Rose pointed out.

"Oh! You\'re right!" My eyes widened as if I had learned something that I did not know before.

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